Chad graduated from California State University Monterey Bay with a major in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting in 2018. Chad is currently employed as an Accountant for the Department of Defense at the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (“DFAS”) in Columbus, OH. Prior to working for DFAS, Chad was employed for 13 years for the United States Air Force as a Tactical Aircraft Maintenance Craftsman. In addition to Bike Buckeye Lake, Chad is the Cashier Coordinator for the Sea Otter Classic in Monterey, California. Responsibilities include the management of 120 volunteers at 11 sales sites, to include the disbursement, collection, and reporting of fiscal transactions for the 70,000- spectator event held annually. Chad’s personal interest in cycling includes noncompetitive road tours. His most accomplished tour was the 130 mile one-day Bridge-to Bridge ride from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to Monterey, California.