Christmas Bikes for Kids
Providing bikes to kids in need
Bike Buckeye Lake volunteers work with the schools, churches, and Job & Family Services in our Tri-County area to provide local, economically disadvantaged children a bicycle for Christmas. Many of these children would not have a bicycle if not for the generosity of our community.
Celebrating our 9th Annual Christmas Bike Drive
On December 12, 2023 we provided 134 bikes and helmets to area children at our annual event at the Walmart in Heath. To date, we have provided over 1050 bikes to disadvantaged families in Perry, Fairfield and Licking counties. This was only made possible by the generosity of our donors and the efforts of our tireless volunteers.
We gave away our 1,000th bike in 2023.
Licking County Jobs and Family Service was the lucky recipient of the 1,000th bike. Our 2024 goal is to raise $20k, enough to provide bikes and helmets to over 140 socio-economically disadvantaged children. If you would like to provide a bicycle (or funds to help purchase one) for a local child for Christmas, we accept donations throughout the year.
For reference, the average cost for a bike and helmet in 2023 was about $135.
To donate, click on the “Donate” button below, or visit the Support page on our website and select Christmas Bikes for Kids.
Note: Bike Buckeye Lake does not determine who qualifies for the bikes. We work through the school administrative teams, typically the principals of each of the schools in the three school districts that serve the Buckeye Lake Area. Some bikes are also given to the Job and Family Services Departments in Perry, Fairfield and Licking counties. We start this process in September each year.