Terry Fischer, President

Terry Fischer serves as President of Bike Buckeye Lake, advancing trail development throughout Central Ohio. Following his role as Vice President in 2021, he became President in 2022, establishing the Buckeye Lake Trail (BLT) and serving as Tour Director for the Tour de Buckeye Lake for the past three years.

His community leadership extends to multiple boards and committees, including Visit Fairfield County, Fairfield County Active Transportation Planning, and the Buckeye Lake Regional Corporation, where he chairs the Trails Committee. Terry actively participates in Central Ohio Greenways (COG) initiatives through the Trail Town and Wayfinding steering committees, Trail Development & Partnerships Joint Working Group, and COG Trail Development Committee.

During his 30+ year corporate career, Terry led numerous company turnarounds as COO, GM, President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board, specializing in leveraging information technology solutions and  team development. He holds an MBA from Duke University, a Bachelor’s in Business from BW College, and an Engineering degree from UA.

Beyond managing technology for Bike Buckeye Lake, Terry consults for small to medium businesses and is launching Practical AI (practicalAI4U.com) in late 2024 where he will share insights on leveraging artificial intelligence in both professional and personal contexts.

When not advancing technology and trail development initiatives, Terry and his wife Vivian can be found cycling and hiking throughout the Buckeye Lake region and Central Ohio, where they enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren, all of whom reside in the area.